Great Scott has a bream dream on Dovecote Lake

Scott RowsonScott Rowson
Scott Rowson
Mega bream have been on the munch in Dovecote Lake '“ 'annoying' anglers trying to catch carp.

Fishing way, way out, visiting rod Scott Rowson couldn't get away from them: and in 48 hours bagged an incredible run of 13 thick-backed doubles from 12-8 to 17-1...AND managed three carp to 36-15!

But Scott's super-bream were tiddlers compared to the one Terry Atkins – also reporting through GoneFishin – banked at a new lake record of 20-4 but which, sadly, he didn't photograph...

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WHEN Shaun Taylor set out to give a pal pointers on chub fishing MKAA's Ouse, it turned out to be a real masterclass as he bagged a 6-6 and lost an even larger one.

THE biggest pike from Black Horse Lake this weekend, as reported through Waters Edge, was a 23...which had snatched a carp angler's chod rig!

TYRONE Calderlay had a 16lb carp from Tear Drops.

OLNEY's Dave Partridge had Ouse perch of 2-7, 1-12 and 1-6 on worm, Saturday.

THREE pegs in a row did the business on New Inn canal, Sunday, filling the frame in MKAA's individual winter league third round. Lee Jones had 8-15, Bob Gale 7-9 and Paul Chapman 4-2. Paul Abbott leads with 46 points ahead of Alan Ford and Steve Wright both on 44.

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NEWPORT son and father Dave and Roger Tebbutt made second and third in a 51 peg Wellingborough league round (canal at Foxton) with 8-8-10 and 8-3-3.

OSPREY's Decoy Lake do fell to Charlie Lawrence on 67lb. Stuart Richards had 43lb and Ashley Priestly 34lb.

BEFORE his swim went stone-dead, Linford's Mick Hefferon had 10-10 of skimmers in the first 40 minutes of MK Vets' 23 peg midweeker on Mill Road cut. Packing up with an hour to go he was still a runaway winner as next up was Dave McLlennan with 2-14 ahead of Nigel Moore on 2-8.

SUNDAY's Nene-Towcester sweep on the long pound – Stoke Bruerne canal – saw Bob Eales with 10-4 followed by Bas Eaton 3-6 and Mick Goodridge 2-14.

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CALVERT's Itters Pit do went to Les Smith, 2-14, as Austin Maddock had 0-15 and John Weatherall one ounce.

FIXTURES: Sunday & Feb 26, Olney Ouse opens 01234 240061. Feb 19 MKAA individual league round (river) 07970 047506.