Newport Pagnell Town Council renews its vision - and it wants your input

Newport Pagnell High StreetNewport Pagnell High Street
Newport Pagnell High Street
Newport Pagnell Town Council recently renewed its vision, and it wants to know whether you think this is what the town council should be doing, and how it rates against the vision now.

Your input will enable them to benchmark any shortfalls or successes in the future against current performance.

To respond, visit where you can see the link to the survey.

The new vision is:

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Newport Pagnell Town Council is the most local level of government in this area. It is democratically elected by residents to serve the community. Along with its team of employees, volunteers and partner organisations it aims to:

Look after Newport Pagnell as a place people want to live, work and visit

Promote health and wellbeing for Newport Pagnell residents of all ages

Create a safer and cleaner environment

Protect and celebrate our local heritage

Be available for and engaged with the public we represent

Support activities that encourage residents to feel part of Newport Pagnell’s community.

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Councillor Paul Day said, "It's important that the public know what to expect from their local council and that we know how well the public think we are doing. We serve the public and being clear about our vision helps make sure the council is doing what they want."