Milton Keynes teenager braves head shave for cancer charity

Bailey Masterton-Smith head shaveBailey Masterton-Smith head shave
Bailey Masterton-Smith head shave
A Milton Keynes teenager was inspired to help young people suffering hair loss due to illness and had her own long locks cut at the Fenny Poppers Festival.

Bailey Masterton-Smith took the bold decision to cut off her almost metre long tresses after watching emotional YouTube videos of kids receiving wigs after suffering hair loss.

Determined to help, Bailey set up a JustGiving page and organised her ‘BuzzCut Bailey’ charity head shave to take place at Coluccis barbers in Aylesbury Street on Sunday, August 19.

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The luxuriant locks Bailey has been growing since a small child were shaved off and the hair donated to the Little Princess Trust- a charity providing free real hair wigs to girls and boys affected by hair loss as a result of illness.

Bailey Masterton-SmithBailey Masterton-Smith
Bailey Masterton-Smith

All the money raised from the head shave will go to The Teenage Cancer Trust charity, with Bailey looking to raise around £5,000 from her fundraising efforts.

Bailey, 13, who attends Shenley Brook End School in Milton Keynes, said: “I am going to miss playing with my hair when I don’t want to listen to what my parents are saying! However I know that it is a sacrifice worth making because there are young people who are going through really tough times that can benefit from my fundraising.”

Bailey’s family all supported her efforts including her mum Michelle, who is understandably proud of her daughter’s kind gesture.

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She said: “We are all very proud of Bailey. It’s a brave commitment to do a head shave as I know how much she loved her long hair. It really was her crowning glory and to shave it off shows how meaningful it is for her to do this.”

Anyone wanting to donate to Bailey’s sponsored head shave should visit