Milton Keynes Biergarten brings Oktoberfest to Stony Stratford

The Oktoberfest countdown is onThe Oktoberfest countdown is on
The Oktoberfest countdown is on
This Saturday (October 27) the MK Biergarten and York House are collaborating to celebrate the most famous of all German beer festivals.

Between 12pm and 10pm, the York House Community Centre will play host to a traditional German Oktoberfest bar, Bavarian food and oompah style music.

In the main room of York House, staff in traditional Bavarian dress will be serving Paulaner Oktoberfestbier, Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfestbier and traditional wheat beer.

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For visitors who would like to toast the event with a local brew, the crew of the micro will also have a small local Real Ale bar upstairs.

The brass band Der Huffunpuffers will entertain the thirsty crowds from 7pm with Bavarian style oompah music.

MK Biergarten has made all efforts to keep the event as authentic as possible, while making use of the wonderful range of local businesses the area has to offer.

Food will be provided by the street food businesses Bandit and Good Times Cafe UK. On the bar giant pretzels from Geoff's Real Artisan Bread, also based in Buckingham, will be on sale all day.

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Franzi Florack, the manager of the Biergarten says: ‘We are delighted to assemble such a fantastic range of local businesses at this wonderful German-style event. Oktoberfest in Germany is a time of community, dressing up in your finest and celebrating the best food and drink Bavaria has to offer. The Biergarten has worked very hard to make the event as inviting and authentic as possible.’

This is the third year that MK Biergarten and York House centre are running the festival. For the first time, visitors will have the opportunity to drink out of authentic 1 litre Mass glasses or so-called Steins.

Entry is £20 on the door with a first Mass of beer which includes a deposit for the glass, or £10 with a smaller glass and the first pint.

Entry will be limited to 500 guests so early attendance is advised. Children are welcome until 8pm and their entry is free. Anyone attending in traditional dress will receive a £2 discount on the door. A small selection of wine and soft drinks will be available on the day.

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