E-fit released following racially aggravated ABH in Milton Keynes

Do you recognise this man?Do you recognise this man?
Do you recognise this man?
Police have released an e-fit of a man who assaulted a woman in Milton Keynes.

Between about 7.15pm and 7.25pm on Wednesday, August 23, a 26-year-old woman was walking along Avebury Boulevard near the University of Bedford building, when a man approached her, riding on a BMX.

He made racially abusive comments to her, and the victim walked away. The offender followed and cycled at her at speed.

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He knocked her over and cycled over her, before hitting her to the back of the head when she started to get up.

The offender then cycled away.

The victim sustained a lump to the back of her head, and injuries to her elbow and knees. She did not require hospital treatment.

No arrests have been made.

Investigating officers have now released an e-fit of the offender. He is white, in his early twenties, slim, with light blue eyes and brown short straight hair, with stubble on his face.

He was wearing a cap and a red zip-up top which had white stripes on the arms, and is believed to have been riding a black BMX bike.

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If you recognise the man in the image or witnessed the incident but have not yet spoken to police, call PC Francesca Dell’Aglio from Milton Keynes police station on 101, quoting incident reference 43170251177.

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