DJ Madam X urges fans to help search for missing Milton Keynes teen Leah Croucher

Leah CroucherLeah Croucher
Leah Croucher
A nationally-know DJ known as the ‘Queen of Grime’ has made a heartfelt Twitter appeal to help find her family friend Leah Croucher.

Madam X is an important figure in the underground dance music scene.

Founder the influential record label Kaizen, she has performed DJ sets at Glastonbury and most recently Coachella.

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She posted on Twitter: “My sister’s friend has been missing for 10 weeks . The story has only been reported by local Milton Keynes news . Need to spread awareness and reach national.”

Madam X is urging people to retweet her message.

Anybody with any information about Leah can call police or go into any police station. If they wish to remain anonymous they can call Crimestoppers free on 0800 55511.