Being Busy Bees pays off for Milton Keynes nursery

Busy Bees nursery in Browns Wood has received a glowing report following its latest Ofsted inspection.

The Ofsted inspector was happy that all the children’s needs were being fully met and their wellbeing looked after, rating the nursery as ‘Good’ overall, and meeting the needs of the range of children who attend, contributing to the well-being of the children and the effectiveness of the leadership and management.

Ofsted praised the nurseries partnership with parents.

‘Partnership with parents is strong. Staff keep parents extremely well informed about their child’s progress,’ the report said.

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Parents speak positively about how feedback has helped them build on their child’s learning at home.’

The staff team at the nursery were also praised for their ‘staff nurture and support, rather than direct children’s learning.’

“Staff skilfully interact with the children to encourage their speaking and listening skills. They build children’s confidence, for example by encouraging them to fill their ‘chatterbox’ with items from home to share and talk about with their friends.”

Child development was also mentioned in a positive light.

“It is incredibly rewarding to receive this acknowledgement from Ofsted praising the quality of our care and education,” said nursery manager Fiona Harvey.

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“This endorsement proves that all our hard work is recognised and the care we strive to provide is delivered.

“I am very proud of the whole team,” she added.

“All the staff at the nursery work tirelessly to ensure that every area of care and education is provided at the highest level for our children and their families.”