Young man born with cerebral palsy due to negligence at Milton Keynes Hospital is awarded £3.5million compensation

MK HospitalMK Hospital
MK Hospital
A  young man who was born with cerebral palsy due to negligence at Milton Keynes Hospital 25 years ago has finally won millions in NHS compensation.

A negligent delay in the baby boy's delivery in 1994 led to cerebral palsy, developmental delay and autism, London's High Court heard.

But his parents soldiered on alone for years and it "never even entered their heads" to claim damages, said barrister, Robert Glancy QC.

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Only when the mother tragically died in 2013, did his father realise he could not manage alone forever and finally contacted solicitors.

The Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust swiftly admitted full liability for his injuries and has now agreed to a final settlement of his claim.

Together with a £3.5 million lump sum, the 25-year-old will receive annual, index-linked and tax-free payments to cover the costs of his care for life.

Those payments will start at £60,000 a year, but will double to £120,000 a year from the age of 35 onwards, Mr Glancy told the court.

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The payout would "enable his father to be his dad again, rather than his carer as he has been for all these years," the barrister added.

"There will always be funds available to look after this young man for the rest of his days."

The trust had already sent a letter of apology to the man and his family, but NHS counsel, Paul Rees QC, said: "It is only right that I repeat that unreserved apology in open court today."

He added: "His parents also deserve a public tribute. His mother sadly died in 2013, but his father has been a constant presence in his life.

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"No words can really express what he has done for his son in the last quarter of a century."

Approving the settlement, Judge Graham Robinson praised the trust's lawyers for their "sensible and welcome cooperation" in settling the case.

He added: "This young man's parents have lavished care and love upon him and no amount of money can come even close to reflecting the value of what they have done.

"They did it all out of love, not for money."

In a statement outside court, the man's solicitors, Irwin Mitchell, said the trust had acknowledged that, had it not been for the delay in his delivery, he would have avoided all injuries.

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The man's father said later: "To understand that what went wrong during my son's birth could and should have been avoided will always be difficult to come to terms with.

"But we have worked hard to get where we are today and it is a huge milestone for us both that we know he will have the support he needs for the rest of his life.

"This gives me vital peace of mind for the future and we are grateful to those who have helped us along our journey."